
Now with TWO Stores to choose from!

We now have a new store called HOLISTIC MAGICK that offers both Digital And Tangible items for you home and body. While PAGAN KNOT offers all digital in a wider variation of products, I am happy to offer you a more holistic approuch to your New Age needs.


Perform this spell during the waxing gibbous phase or on any full moon.

The waxing and full moons hold powerful energy. You can harness this moon magic by charging a “moon mirror” or crystal. Moons and mirrors (or reflective surfaces like water, crystals, or polished stone) have been used in magic for millennia. The moon’s light is a reflection of the sun, as the moon produces no light of its own. And so, reflections are a potent form of moon magic.


•An object to enchant like a small round mirror, a crystal, or a reflective piece of metal.

•A container that will obscure the object from light, such as a dark cloth, bag, or box. If desired, embellish the container with embroidery, paint, or beads in lunar designs.

•A dark place and time where you can directly view the moon.

•An optional anointing oil or herb for power such as patchouli, cinquefoil, or mugwort.

PERFORM THE SPELL: With your mirror or crystal at the ready, cast a circle under the waxing or full moon’s light. Hold the mirror up so you can see the moon reflected within, or the moon's light shining on it.. Rotate the mirror or crystal clockwise, either 3, 5, 9, or 13 times.

Use a drop of oil or sprig of herb and rub it on your enchanted object to consecrate and seal the spell. The object will be charged with the moon’s power.

Place the enchanted object in the container, and do not let it see the light of day until you are ready to use it. When you’re in need of personal power, intuitive guidance or resilience, take the object out of the container. Gaze at your reflection in the mirror, or hold the crystal in your hands and feel its enegy. Once you’ve used the object's moon magic, recharge it at the next waxing or full moon.

Thank you to Amy for this spell.

If you would love a coloring book of shadows for your mind and heart, Amy has the best books! Buy it below!

Coloring Book Of Shadows

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Aromatherapy Bath Recipe

Aromatherapy has long been applied in combination with the therapeutic effects of a warm bath. The Egyptians were perhaps the first people to use it, adding extracts distilled from herbs and plants which they deemed to be beneficial to the body. Later, aromatherapy bath recipes made their way to the Greeks who attributed it to the gods, and then to the Romans who were among the first people to ever come up with public baths.

Today, aromatherapy bath recipes are popular among both men and women. More and more people are taking aromatic baths for the simple pleasure of inhaling pleasant smells while relaxing in the soothing warmth of water. Some specialists in alternative medicine are also recommending aromatherapy bath recipes to patients suffering from a variety of conditions, from superficial skin conditions to more serious medical conditions.

Why Aromatherapy Bath Recipe is Beneficial

Aromatherapy bath recipes are beneficial for two reasons. First is that water itself is a powerful compound and for many years, it has been associated with countless therapeutic benefits. Even medical doctors are recommending water therapy to patients and there is enough scientific evidence to prove such a claim.

The second reason why aromatherapy bath recipe is beneficial is the fact that the water used is warm. The warmth of the bath helps stimulate the oil, allowing it to be better absorbed by the skin. Warmth also provides an excellent moisturizing effect.

Aromatherapy Bath Recipes: Simple Solution

Aromatherapy bath recipes can include almost any type of essential oil. For better absorption of essential oils, carrier oil should be included in an aromatherapy bath recipe. The carrier oil may be anything from plain to herbal-infused and even scented.

Carrier oils in aromatherapy bath recipes offer nourishment for your skin. They are made from vegetable oils and are very beneficial, not only because they help “carry” essential oils but because they contain their own nutritious compounds. The essential oils in aromatherapy bath recipes promote various subtle effects which work in synergy with the effects of water therapy and the nourishment provided by carrier oils.

Aromatherapy Bath Recipe: Basic Solutions

For a basic oil bath, you can use this aromatherapy bath recipe: Add 1-2 oz. of plain carrier oil to bathwater. Some good choices of carrier oils are coconut, olive, sesame, or jojoba.

You can also use a blend of several oils, such as this aromatherapy bath recipe: Mix 1 ½ oz. olive oil, 3 oz. almond oil, 1 oz. sesame oil, 1 oz. canola oil, and ½ oz. wheat germ oil. Pour the mixture into a jar with a cap. Shake well before adding 1 oz. of it to bath water.

NOTE: This is one of many articles you will find in the Aromatherapy Article Bundle

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June is almost here and it's time for some summer excitement and magical enchantment. Only a little over 3 months between the Holidays Memorial Day and Labor Day, and these are some of the times of the year for potentential possibilities, while gainling spiritual growth and renewed energy are limitless.

The times to watch for and put to magical use are:

Summer Solstice -

Wed, Jun 21, 2023 10:57 AM - In this time we honor the sun and it's abundance and learn to harness the power of it's energy for our own growth.

Growing Season - (late April or early May and continuing to late September-early October)

Explore ways to connect with the fauna, floral and plant spirits. Creating herbal remedies in our own gardens is a great way to embrace the warmth, wisdom and healing power from our plant spirits.

Love Romance and Weddings - June is usually the biggest month for weddings and is perfect for romance and love. During this time, explore your heart, your relationships, find new friends or a new romance. Explore rituals and activities that challenge us, such as Shadow Work to spark our inner self.

There is so much to rejoice about during the summer months. We have nature in it's fullest bloom, and creatures big and small to grace us with their aliveness. We get to see fireflies, butterflies, and dragonflies, there are seasonal creatues, as well as birds that we can watch. All these things are what we can draw energy and inspiration from.

You can bring some of this nature indoors with our collection of inspirational sounds.

Check out the AUDIO SOUNDS category!


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